Wednesday, August 4, 2021

What Appliance Gets the Greatest Workout in the Summer?

Around Columbus it may be your garbage disposal. That may be especially true this summer when life is returning to normal and people area running through your kitchen putting heaven knows what down the drain. When your garbage disposal acts up, you should call Staats Plumbing of Columbus, Ohio.

When your home’s garbage disposal starts humming or buzzing here are some tips –

1.  Unplug the unit to keep the motor from burning out.

2.  Crawl under the sink with an Allen wrench.

3.  Turn the flywheel back and forth.

4.  Plug the unit back in to see if it is now working.

These are some home handyman things you can do. If all else fails (or before you even tackle these tasks) call Brent of Staats Plumbing. Throughout this century that is what people in the Columbus area do when they have plumbing problems or need backflow testing. That number is (740) 625-5284. For a list of their services visit

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