Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Over 30 parties for New Year’s Eve in Columbus

(Click the link above for more information)

Gather your friends and family and make your plans to bring in 2019 together!

Friday, December 14, 2018

How Did Columbus Become the State Capitol?

Here in Central Ohio we are exceedingly proud of our growing city.  It was founded in 1812 and was not immediately chosen as the capitol of the Buckeye State.  For short periods of time in the early 19th century Zanesville and Chillicothe served as capital cities.  Today, Columbus is Ohio’s largest city with nearly 900,000 residents.

Did you know that we are the third most populated state capitol in the U.S. behind Phoenix and Austin?  Our city is the home of five of the Fortune 500 largest corporations in America.  We are also very proud of the fact that Business Week Magazine rated Columbus Ohio as one of the fifty best cities in the country!

For the last 20+ years yours truly Brent Staats has been a plumber and these days is the proud owner of Staats Plumbing.  We have dedicated ourselves to solving the plumbing and backflow problems of Columbus and the surrounding area.  We hope that you will not need our services during the holidays, but we are here if you do.  From my family to yours Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

75+ Free Winter Break Activities

(Click the link above for more information)

"Winter break is almost here! Are you wondering how to fill up the entire two weeks? We have you covered!"


Thursday, December 6, 2018

There is a Whole Lot of Cooking Going on Here.

Yes, it is holiday time and your kitchen is getting quite a workout!  Cooking, cleaning, correcting back-ups and overflows.  It is all a part of your increased usage of that important room in your home.  First it was Thanksgiving and now Christmas is coming, and chances are you will experience any and all of the above.

Here are some tips to temporarily fix a backed-up kitchen sink –

1.  Work that plunger, work that plunger
2.  Disassemble the trap
3.  Clean out that trap thoroughly
4.  Insert a snake
5. Turn the snake through the clog

Wait, wait, wait…you say that you are NOT a plumber?  Oh, that could be a bit challenging for the novice.  That is why we are here.  We are Central Ohio’s solution to plumbing problems, especially in your kitchen.  We are Columbus’ plumbing choice Staats Plumbing.  If you have kitchen (or any plumbing emergencies) this holiday season call us at (740) 625-5284.

Your Guide to Christmas and Holiday Events in Columbus

(Click the link above for more information)

"There are so many events to enjoy the Christmas and Holiday season in Columbus, including family activities, date ideas, community tree lightings, and more."