Tuesday, January 19, 2021

A Burst Pipe Could be Disastrous!

Central Ohio weather changes quickly, especially in the winter. A fast-moving cold front can cause temperatures to drop below freezing within hours. Outdoor pipes, pipes in unheated areas, and pipes that run along uninsulated exterior walls can burst at any moment.

Here are some steps you can take –


1.  Wrap your exposed pipes with rags.

2.  Tighten the lid on your outdoor water meter box.

3.  Drain water hoses and store them indoors.

4.  Make sure to set your thermometer near 60 even if you are gone for the day.

5.  Make sure that you know where your home’s shutoff valve is located.

What happens if your Columbus Ohio home suffers from a burst pipe? Don’t be a hero…call a plumber ASAP! In the Columbus area the right call is to Staats Plumbing. Brent and his crew are burst pipe repair experts in our area and have been most of this century. Visit staatsplumbing.com and call (740) 625-5284 day or night.

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