Thursday, March 1, 2018

My Sink is NOT an Indoor Bird Feeder.

It may seem that way sometimes when every time that you look there is water in the bowl.  Some may use common sense and call a plumber since the problem may be deep rooted.  For you DIY’ers out there we want to be helpful in helping you to troubleshoot the situation before you pick up a phone.

Here are a couple of methods to try-

1.  Fill the sink with enough hot water to cover the rubber part of a plunger.
2.  Give the plunger five or so healthy pumps.
3.  Perhaps pour one cup of baking soda with a cup of white vinegar into the drain.
4.  After 5 minutes pour warm water down the drain and see what happens.

So, if you have not over-exerted yourself with that plunger or passed out from the smell of vinegar, why not do the next logical thing?  Call Columbus Ohio master plumber Brent Staats of Staats Plumbing.  See, that was probably the answer in the first place!  Brent Staats has just celebrated 20 years in the plumbing business.  Call (740) 625-5284.  

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