Tuesday, November 17, 2020

It Will Be Freezing out There Very Soon.

Sure enough, as Thanksgiving approaches freezing weather is not far behind in the Columbus, OH. area. It may be comforting to know that most of the pipes in your home are protected from the cold. They are insulated along with the house and they get heat from the thermostat. The simple truth is when a pipe freezes, it can burst!

The easiest way to prevent that is to drain the lines prior to the first hard freeze. The next best thing you can do for your Columbus area home is to have a frost-free hose bib installed. Now, make sure to install insulation for each and every faucet at risk before winter sets in. Are you able to do all of this yourself?

Staats Plumbing will winterize and protect your faucets from freezing. All you have to do is give them a call and set up an appointment to have it done. Brent and his crew are experts at outdoor pipe freezing prevention. They are easy to find on the web at staatsplumbing.com. Then call (740) 625-5284. Don’t hesitate before November turns into December. 

Monday, November 2, 2020

It Seems as if it Rains Half the Time Around Here.

Well, you are just about right. In the month of November is rains on average about 12 of every 30 days. So, now what? Since our capital city gets more average rain per year than other major metropolitan areas in the country…do you know what condition your sump pump is in? When was the last time it was checked?


Here are some of the steps for testing your sump pump –

1.  Inspect the pump and the outlet pipe.

2.  Make sure all the electrical components are properly engaged.

3.  Pour a bucket of water around it and see if it kicks on.

4.  Clean the pump thoroughly.

Maybe you can perform all these steps yourself. One thing is probably definite…sump pump repair or replacement in Columbus Ohio should be done by the experts at Staats Plumbing. Call Brent and he or one of his crew will come to your home to inspect, and repair, or replace your existing sump pump if necessary. Visit staatsplumbing.com and call (740) 625-5284.